

playing (did play) tonight.
Oh my goodness, wonderful. rad.
My ears are ringing. It was great.
Aaron Turner (singer/guitarist) reminds me somehow of a younger, less cynical Father Time.
Know this, friends, that Father Time is one cynical motherfucker.
Hmm.... they had always struck me as a 'jam' band. Not so. They played remarkably tight, very little improv,
except at the end. Their bassist seems to have a longer neck on his bass than mine,
'cos his seems to include every note that's wonderful. Truly a remarkable player.
OMG. This, coincidentally, stands for Old Man Gloom,
whose CD I have been searching for since forever and finally found at the ISIS merch table.
Score one for the Gipper. (me)
Things that make me happy:
Everything. (for the moment)
Stingrays plugged into Ampeg amps. It's the way it should be.
Also: Bloor street at midnight. The fact that home is only a five minute bike ride away.
The fact that my ISIS button has the Panopticon on it, and if I wear it upside down it says 'Si, si.'
Girls that remind me of an ex-girlfriend, but aren't. (it's like a get outta jail free card!)
Volume in copious amounts. (given)
The fact that I warmed up for the show listening to the Almighty BOTCH, and then the opening band had their bassist.
Yeah, I'd recognize that bass and bassline anywhere. They were great.
A warm kitten when I get home. That's pretty cool, admit it.
I've also noticed: when I saw fear before the march of flames earlier this month, then These Arms Are Snakes, ....is hardcore getting a larger segment of skinny, gay men? (Also, see The Locust, whose bassist, it is rumored, got married to their drummer in a 'publicity stunt.')
One can only hope so. Punk is/was supposed to be a home for the outcasts, what's more outcastic (sic) than a gay male who listens to heavy music? This music was born as a big Big fucking tent, with room for everyone....
I'm fucking sick of the kung-fu kids in the mosh pit, all ludicrously macho, with the fake varsity Every Time I Die T-shirts, who bring their dads to shows as chaperone. That shit's weak. Go home, jock. Get spat upon.
Think of it: three fat kids in the pit, kung-fu high kicks, and nobody wants to get kicked in the face. They monopolize the pit. C'mon. Who's having fun there?
No mosh pit tonight, just a lot of satisfied, glassy stares and swaying. Wonderful.
Another post tomorrow, a 'deep', political one, started it before the show and now I can't finish it because i don't have the cynicism necessary to delve into political matters right now. The bile well is empty at present.
Hope nobody minds if I'm having fun right now. No, I didn't think so.
Good night y'all.


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